Personally, I believe that in the case of anthropologists, being "analyzers" or "interpreters" of culture, we should set aside some predetermined biases due to our existence, above all, actualist. The issue of interpretive biases in the social sciences is something that is always taken with great care because we know as future academics or researchers that we don't want to fall into this, however, the history of our sub-discipline has shown us that it's very easy to do so, just as I mentioned in one of my previous blogs regarding anthropology and racism.

On the other hand, I understand that many of us as Latin Americans didn't have access to a quality education to compare ourselves to Europeans or others, but I do consider that studies in Chile last a long time that could be invested in improving, that is, in post graduate studies. 

Regarding infrastructure, we understand that many times the ignorance regarding our discipline makes others think that we don't carry out studies that contribute to society, compared to doctors and health personnel in general, that is why we are awarded very few spaces, in the faculty we have a tiny amount of laboratories for our career, I remember some activities being overcrowded, haha. In addition, it would be great to have more spaces to promote areas such as genetics, since these studies can contribute significantly to knowledge about health.

Finally, regarding teaching methods, our speakers are academics and not teachers, so many times they don't know how to be teachers, I'd like that to change.

   Moi, xx.-


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