ICELAND: A country I would like to visit.

 When I was little, like from 11 to 14 years old, I dreamed about to live in Japan. I loved their fashion styles, language, music and for sure the food, but I didn't know that much about more deep cultural aspects... After that, I remember being deeply sad about what I learnt from foreigners, clearly they have personal experiences but after all they are very common between them. 

Then, at the age of 14 a friend introduced me to Sigur Rós and Björk, ¿The result? I was absolutely in love with her. I think is one of the most unique voices in the world. I investigated and she was from Iceland and when I saw that landscapes, volcanos, waterfalls, black ground, I felt in love again. So the country that I would like to visit (and live there if it's possible) is Iceland. 

To be honest, I love the language, landscapes, music and pagan culture of Iceland. Can you believe that Icelanders were asked in a survey, participating other countries too, about their believes and most of the 90% of Icelanders answered that they believed in themselves? That's awesome... But I know that's pagan heritance, and as a future anthropologist I'm interested in studying these things.

In conclusion, I invite you to investigate more about this great country if you are interested. I know that's very expensive but I recommend at leats to visit it. I hope that one day I could live in Iceland, so you can find me and ask about hosting, haha. 

Greetings xx, 



First, a photograph from Sugarcubes era Björk in Iceland.
Second photo, Björk and her son Síndri in the famous Blue Lagoon.


  1. is a beautiful place to visit... its landscapes are out of this world.

  2. Iceland is facinating; apart from it´s nature, that is so different from the one we got here in Chile, some political and cultural aspects call my attention, like the fact that most of it´s people consider themselves atheists; and, on the other hand, their lack of military forces...I think it´s great

  3. land of Vikings! it is a beautiful country in winter, snow everywhere!

  4. what a beautiful place to visit and especially to be able to see those wonderful landscape mentioned...

  5. oh Moira I love Sigur Rós and Björk too <3 Iceland is a wonderful place to be in contact with the nature <3 I hope one day you can go there and study their cultura being an anthropologist

  6. it's beautiful to know places with weather so diferent to chile, also countries with a lifestyler totally opposite to us

  7. this place its a dream, I hope you make it happen


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