To be honest, I don't know yet what I want to do in the future regard to my career. Since I was 8th grade, I liked the idea of being a Criminal Detective, but because of my career election I think that it could be a little difficult to achieve this dream. Nevertheless, I would like to follow the line of cientific research with respect to Bioanthropology. Moreover, I imagine this job as a very challenging one and also my discipline demand constant study refer to increase knowledges. 

As always, I prefer outdoor works, but I love being in laboratory too. Furthermore, in anthropology we have to do lot of field trips, constantly, but I really like this because I've considered myself as a person who can't stay without traveling for a long time, haha. Although all this sounds great at the moment, the unique problem is the field work, overall for bioanthropology. We don't have many spaces to work -at least in Chile- and, accordingly, we end up working in areas that many times aren't to our liking to survive in this career. So far, I don't have information about salaries. 

In the future I would like to do some major related to the forensic area or perhaps to medical anthropology, because they are two areas that I like until now, but more important, because through these you can contribute to people's human rights :)


 Moi, xx.-



  1. The area of ​​forensic medicine seems wonderful and very interesting to me, for a moment I thought about studying it.

  2. I always liked this metaphor on physical anthropology about "making the dead speak". I hope you could become a modern oracle and contribute to human rights.

  3. Bioanthropology is a very entertaining branch of anthropology, you can relive the lives of people who no longer exist, only with their bones!

  4. I don’t know much about medical anthropology, but it makes me very interesting. I’m excited to get out of college and see what the field will be like!!

  5. I really like crime stories but I could never work in the forensic or medical area jaja, good luck with your goals!

  6. Even if you don't have a clear idea of what you are studying, it is clear that you love what you are studying, from there it will be very easy for you to decide what to do next, good luck!


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