My career and his past...

These days, I really believe that I love bioanthropology. But also, it's so difficult to me to forget the historicity and past of this discipline. Since the 19th century, the bioanthropology contributed to build racisms and white supremacy thinking. One of the particular facts of this contribution was the use of craniometric in the hands of this science. Craniometric is basically the act of measuring skulls, but during these periods of times, people did it with a horrible purpose: the purpose of demonstrating that the white race was superior and, therefore, all the others were submerged by the little classical intellect of the "aborigines".

Clearly, this was useful to justifiy slavery, abuse, unlawful seizure, among other disgusting facts. Then, in the 20th century and the arrival of the second world war, nazism used the same technique to justify his eugenics plans, in other words, improve the human race and obviously
only white men were in charge of it... After this tragic human event, the concept of race was reformulated mainly in hands of academics. 

At present, we use craniometrics in a better way, I guess. Because after all, deep down the problem wasn't this method, the problem was the reason why people like that was using it, that is, the purpose. Now, there is not other purpose that learn about populations and their evolution, without slants. I hope that our discipline never falls so low again...

Moi, xx.-


  1. I love bioarcheology, it's a very entertaining area, I like to be able to discover the past from the bones <3

  2. "Anthropology it´s just racist sociology". Sorry if it's a little disrespectful but I love that meme XD

  3. It sounds very interesting, I never took the time to research careers and as I said on my blog the desire to enter university was nil haha.

  4. I love bioanthropology, I hesitated between bioanthropology and archaeology, but biology was a lot for me, lucky!

  5. I did not know the term bioanthropology and the way in which it justified certain discriminatory conceptions in its time is surprising.


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