As I told you in the first post, I'm a great fan of nordic music, especially the music from Iceland and Norway. For this reason, that when I knew that Aurora would come, I don't wonder and I bought the ticket almost inmediately, haha. She came in 26th May, 2019 in Teatro La Cúpula. 

That day I was late, so I ran all over the Parque O'higgins to find my university's friends at the row of the concert. We spent a lot of time waiting fot the concert to begin, but when it started we started screaming and laughing because of the emotion.

The concert was really enchanting, she seemed like a fairy and his voice was exactly like on the records! I couldn't believe that someone from so far away and that I had been watching and following for so many time was in front of me, so close and out of a song or a screen... Also, his movements and interpretation was so nice, I think that she has so much talent compressed in a such little person, haha. 

In the same way, the crowd was special too. We sang all the songs concertedly. By the way, in one song that is very sad and emotional, we found ourselves crying and I believe that a lot of people was in the same mood at that song... I would like to see Aurora again in live. It was the best music experience so far. 

Kind regards xx,



  1. I have never been in a concert and reading your experience fills me with desire to go to one and live all the emotions you lived.
    Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

  2. Actually, I've never heard music like that. I'm going to look it up on youtube.

  3. it must have been a unique experience to listen live to this style of music!
    has recently become popular for Instagram filters, although they don't do it justice

  4. How exciting it's to have the chance to meet your favorite singer, these are unique opportunities and you must take advantage of it!


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