MOVIES: My favorite genre

 Since I was a little bean I remember me feeling extremely curious about horror in general, but mostly on movies. I think that maybe I inherited it from one of my older sisters, because she also loves a lot horror movies and she introduced me to some of my favorite ones. When I was six or seven years old, we saw Hellraiser together. My feelings were confused: I was so intrigued but so scary at the same time! haha. Its still being my favorite horror movie...

However, in the last 20 years the quality of horror movies have been on decline... Now, movies are really predictable, it's all about poltergeist, spirits, silences matching a screamer, basically the movies let you sleep, non as the old ones.

I could say that all what I loved about this genre has been missed... Anyways, I remember some good movies of this last era, like Hannibal, Hereditary, Midsommar, Líbranos del Mal, Constantine, among others.

Lastly, it's a little bit sad that
the efforts for making good horror
movies is null... These days, we can find better scary feelings in youtube videos than in this seventh art. I believe that what scary us the most is the reality, some directors should take this kind of references more than worn-out ghosts and spirits.

Moi xx.-


  1. Ohh...I love Horror too.
    I haven´t seen Hellraiser..and just with the picture you put it makes me feel intrigued

  2. Yes! I totally agree with you, it's terrible how the horror in general is being so bad lately, but as you said, you can always watch some good youtube video or play some horror videogames classics such as the two firsts Silent hill :)

  3. I always wanted to have the capacity to watch horror movies, but i'm really coward actually jeje but your post make me have more desires to try!

  4. I agree with you on the issue that horror has been decreasing more and more in the new films, I think it's unfortunate since this genre is one of my favorites and I would not like it to disappear at all.

  5. I also like horror movies, I like the feeling of fear sometimes. But I get scared with everything hahaha :(

  6. I don't like horror movies, but these have admirable makeup!


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